Month: December 2017

Software Development 18 Dec
Consultancy & Training 18 Dec
Graphic design 17 Dec

Graphic Design

We create:

  • Visual identity: logos, letterhead, business cards
  • Marketing materials: brochures, flyers, postcards, posters
  • Magazines, books, catalogs
  • Product packaging
  • Presentations
  • T-shirt designs
  • Annual reports
  • Illustrations

Skills: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

Exam processing system 16 Dec

Neo-High School

Process High School marks and report forms.

Relax, we got you a wonderful cloud based solution. One that will:

  • Generate mark sheets based on the subject code and subject name provided. Acquire your template by making a copy of our MARKSHEET TEMPLATE. Type your subject codes, subject names, teacher name and emails in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet in the range B5:E84.
  • Generate the work sheets for first year and share with respective teachers by choosing addon >> Neo-High School >> Generate >> Form I >> Stream I. Do the same for the other forms by choosing the respective streams.
  • If by any chance the process did not complete successfully, correct the error and run refresh by choosing the instructions provided. In case you change teachers details run re-invite teachers and choose the stream.
  • Invite respective  teachers to the sheets with limited edit permission to only the marks and Adm no. sections.
  • Refresh mark sheets if a certain change have been introduced in the Subject and re-invite teachers.
  • Re-invite teachers if by any chance a change have been introduced in the teachers name or email sections.
  • Import from a previous spreadsheet with data in it. The key to the spreadsheet to import from should be captured and pasted in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet at F3. The sheets in it with data MUST conform with our TEMPLATE standards. Importation is done based on the sheets found in exception of the sheets named INSTRUCTIONS, CONSOLIDATED, REGISTER, FORM 1 SCORE, FORM 2 SCORE, FORM 3 SCORE, FORM 4 SCORE, TEMPLATE. These names are reserved and should be used for TEMPLATE sheets only.
  • Invite management to view the students marks, performance and positions.
  • Results are automatically released via GRADEBOOK. Click here to view a sample grade book web page for parents.
  • Remove all teachers and management by choosing Remove all.
  • Switch to your individual template by choosing Obtain template. NB. To obtain an updated template use our link to the mark sheet.
Neo-JCampus 16 Dec



Relax, we got you a wonderful solution. One that will:

  • Generate mark sheets based on the unit code and unit name provided. Acquire your template by making a copy of our MARK SHEET TEMPLATES
  • Type your unit codes, unit names, lecturer name and emails in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet in the range B5:E84. Generate the work sheets for first year and share with respective lecturers by choosing addon >> Neo-Campus >> Generate >> 1st year. Do the same for the other years by choosing the respective year. If by any chance the process did not complete successfully, correct the error and run refresh by choosing the same year. In case you change lecturer details run re-invite lecturers and choose the year.
  • Invite respective  lecturers to the sheets with limited edit permission to only the marks and reg no sections.
  • Refresh mark sheets if a certain change have been introduced in the units and re-invite lecturers.
  • Re-invite lecturers if by any chance a change have been introduced in the lecturers name or email sections.
  • Import from a previous spreadsheet with data in it. The key to the spreadsheet to import from should be captured and pasted in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet at F3. The sheets in it with data MUST conform with our TEMPLATE standards. Importation is done based on the sheets found in exception of the sheets named INSTRUCTIONS, CONSOLIDATED, FILTERED, CATALOGUE, 1ST YEAR RESULTS, 2ND YEAR RESULTS, 3RD YEAR RESULTS, 4TH YEAR RESULTS, TEMPLATE. These names are reserved and should be used for TEMPLATE sheets only.
  • Invite external examiners to moderate the students marks entered by the lecturers.
  • Send result slips to individual students to their respective emails as a PDF. This require you to have a template text document. Acquire yours by making a copy of our template HERE and customize it. Insert the document key at INSTRUCTIONS C3. Do not modify this template words that contain the term “key”. Before you send the result slips first choose Release units >> choose year.
  • Release results to students using a GRADEBOOK.
  • Remove all lectures and moderators by choosing Remove all lecturers.
  • Switch to your individual template by choosing Obtain template. NB. This may require to be ran several times.
Neo-share template 16 Dec


Ever wondered how to share your google sheet with multiple emails as both editors and viewers?

Neo-share comes along with the solution.

It is a google addon that allow sheet owners to share the sheet with emails in a particular range.

To user the addon

  • Make a copy this template document HERE .
  • Install the Neo-share addon in your sheet by going to addon then search Neo-share.
  • Enable the addon.
  • Type your email numbers as indicated in the template.

NB. Never change the sheet name “SHARE” in the document. This will render the addon non functional.

Good to go?

Now type your emails in their respective areas. Names are optional.

  • To share with editors go to addon >> SHARE  >> EDITORS >> ADD
  • To remove editors go to addon >> SHARE  >> EDITORS >> REMOVE
  • To share with viewers go to addon >> SHARE  >> VIEWERS>> ADD
  • To remove viewers go to addon >> SHARE  >> VIEWERS>> REMOVE

Thank you for your patience, You were a good student, now a teacher, Enjoy the service.

Neo-Campus 16 Dec



Relax, we got a wonderful cloud based solution. One that will:

  • Generate mark sheets based on the unit code and unit name provided. Acquire your template by making a copy of our MARKSHEET TEMPLATE. Type your unit codes, unit names, lecturer name and emails in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet in the range B5:E84.
  • Generate the work sheets for first year and share with respective lecturers by choosing addon >> Neo-Campus >> Generate >> 1st year. Do the same for the other years by choosing the respective year.
  • If by any chance the process did not complete successfully, correct the error and run refresh by choosing the same year. In case you change lecturer details run re-invite lecturers and choose the year.
  • Invite respective  lecturers to the sheets with limited edit permission to only the marks and reg no sections.
  • Refresh mark sheets if a certain change have been introduced in the units and re-invite lecturers.
  • Re-invite lecturers if by any chance a change have been introduced in the lecturers name or email sections.
  • Import from a previous spreadsheet with data in it. The key to the spreadsheet to import from should be captured and pasted in the INSTRUCTIONS sheet at F3. The sheets in it with data MUST conform with our TEMPLATE standards. Importation is done based on the sheets found in exception of the sheets named INSTRUCTIONS, CONSOLIDATED, FILTERED, CATALOGUE, 1ST YEAR RESULTS, 2ND YEAR RESULTS, 3RD YEAR RESULTS, 4TH YEAR RESULTS, TEMPLATE. These names are reserved and should be used for TEMPLATE sheets only.
  • Invite external examiners to moderate the students marks entered by the lecturers.
  • Send result slips to individual students to their respective emails as a PDF. This require you to have a template text document. Acquire yours by making a copy of our template HERE. Insert the document key at INSTRUCTIONS C3. Do not modify this template words that contain the term “key”. Before you send the result slips first choose Release units >> choose year.
  • Release results to students using a GRADEBOOK.
  • Remove all lectures and moderators by choosing Remove all lecturers.
  • Switch to your individual template by choosing Obtain template. NB. This may require to be ran several times.
Data analysis 16 Dec

Data Analysis & Statistical clinic

We engage in:

  1. Data coding
  2. Data entry
  3. Data analysis
  4. Statistical clinics

Statistical Clinic

It is apparent from many supervisors/students that most of the students are struggling to understand their results if they are not involved in the analysis process. It is important therefore for students to be engaged in the process of statistical data analysis thus the need for statistical clinics to equip the students/potential supervisors with the relevant skills;

Each participant is required to pay KES 2,500 for the one day workshop. This will cover 2 teas and lunch for the day and also meet the trainers/venue costs.

A session will be run only if the quorum of 5 participants.
The maximum number of participants per session is 12.

Each participant should have a laptop with SPSS (at least version 16).

Book here

Large preview


  • System Dashbord
    System Dashbord

Exam generation system

  1. Questions and answers are gathered and fed to the software using predefined format.
  2. Exam or CAT instructions are determined and fed.
  3. The exam structure is set and fed to the software.
  4. Exam is generated by a click of a button.
  5. Questions are randomly selected and their answers attached.



Pupils quizzes 16 Dec

Primary school quizzes

Pupils are provided with downloadable quizzes inform of PDF. The quizzes have emended answers. The pupil is expected to attempt the quiz and mark to get results. The correct answers are also provided by a click of a button.


  • A Laptop or a Computer.
  • Adobe acrobat (version  7 or above)

How to attempt:

  1. Download the copy from this site.
  2. Save it in your laptop, desktop etc.
  3. Open with a PDF reader ( preferable acrobat reader 7 or above).
  4. With the document open, read through the instructions.
  5. Click begin quiz to begin attempt.
  6. Click end quiz to end or stop attempts and get results for the attempt and respective percentage.
  7. Click on correct to let the document fill correct responses for every choice.
  8. Enjoy and let us have any feedback through our email :

Download Sample Math Quiz